
Monday, December 26, 2011

Family Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas yesterday,  spent at my Grandmothers with our extended family. It was great for all the little cuzies to get together and play, seemed like the day was 1 huge long water fight for them hehe. Our food was amazing with everyone contributing, lots of salads, cold meats and best of all lots of seafood!! We had marinated mussels, fresh oysters, kina, raw fish and creamed paua!  We came home very full and tired.  I hope you all had equally special days with friends/family :o)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

Rudolph, who will be gracing a mini cake for some one,  I have yet to deliver it so I hope they will be pleasantly surprised

Christmas fairy,  I think she will be on the cake I am making for us to eat on Christmas day but I am not totally sure yet

I have been really enjoying my attempts at modelling and am seeing a little inprovement in my figurines....  the christmas fairy is a bit chubby, like me hehe

Stay safe this festive season :o)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Chocolate overload!

I was asked by my firends at the local kindy to make a cake for the head teacher who will be having a special birthday during the holidays. She loves chocolate and she loves fruit. I got a text from her last night to tell me how yummy it was :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mini Christmas Cakes

I made these Mini Chrstmas cakes as gifts, they were fun to make and I enjoyed doing the figurines although I am not sure they turned out very flash! I hope the recipients like them :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Learning to make sugarpaste flowers

For the last little while I have been wanting to learn to make sugarpaste flowers. I have a cousin that is amazing at it! (Hi Lyn) So I have been watching you tube clips and reading up and slowly putting together the techniques in my head. I have had a couple of attempts at roses that were truly pathetic. Yesterday I woke up and felt inspired to try again, so here is attempt number 3.

The best thing I could have done for my flower making efforts is to buy a pasta machine, it rolls the sugarpaste so thin and evenly and makes it easier to keep things uniform. I have a long, long way to go though. I started out in this rose rolling to number 3 on the pasta machine and then changed to 5 which is why the middle petals are thicker than the outside ones.

Once I uploaded this picture I realised how ragged my edges look, it is all progress though and as I keep telling my son, practice makes perfect!

More of my assortment

An assortment of cakes

Here is an assortment of cakes I have done over the last year or 2, I can see some improvement in my skills and I hope to keep improving with practice :)

1st Birthday cake

This was a 1st birthday cake made for a special wee girl :)

Special birthday cake for a friends daughter

Welcome to my blog!!

Here is the place where I hope to share ramblings from my kitchen and pictures of my creations. I like to experiment in the kitchen and things do not always work out the way I plan so there may be some disasters along the way.

Thanks for taking the time to read and I will post some photos of my past creations shortly :)
